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Insects and pests are a reality of everyday life. No matter how clean you keep your home or how well the house is constructed, pests will find a way in -- and a reason to stay. There are more than 94,000 species of pests in the United States, including ants, rodents, spiders, cockroaches, scorpions, earwigs, moths, fleas, ticks, silverfish, crickets, pillbugs and millipedes. Virtually everyone has pests in their home. How do pests affect your environment? They cause physical damage to your structure and possessions, spread germs, irritate allergies and generally make the living environment uncomfortable by virtue of their presence.


Three Zone Pest Control Program


The AIM technicians know that pests don’t just magically appear in your home. Rather, they systematically seek out entry points and invade your home to obtain food and water. The program fights the invasion with common sense techniques and materials geared toward sending those pests packing.


How the Program Works


Zone 1 – The GREEN Zone - The Perimeter


AIM's most significant effort takes place in the GREEN Zone. The key in keeping pests out of your home is to keep them off your property in the first place. The program begins with a thorough inspection of your property. The technician seeks out potential and active pest harborage areas and nesting sites. Trees, bushes, mulch, grass, decaying vegetation, wood and brick piles, sheds, animal enclosures and moisture sources all support pest activity. The technician treats these areas with granular bait, dust, and spray to create a perimeter defense zone in these outlying areas. By decreasing the bug population around the house -- infiltrating areas where insects live and breed -- AIM minimizes the number of pests that can invade your home.


Zone 2 – The YELLOW Zone - Entry Areas


Much like the moat of a castle, the YELLOW Zone is the final exterior defense in keeping invaders out. This zone focuses on the areas immediately outside the structure, including the base of the foundation, windows, doors, thresholds, soffits and eaves, plumbing and electrical ingress points, vents, downspouts and the garage. The technician handles those few stubborn pests that have penetrated the GREEN Zone. AIM provides a band application of liquid, dust and baits to deter pests from penetrating the RED Zone. Additionally, the technician will treat cracks and crevices where needed and destroy spider webs.


Zone 3 - The RED Zone - Your Home’s Interior


Insects are determined to find a way to penetrate your home. With AIM's comprehensive pest control program, pest management efforts outside of the structure reduce the amount of materials needed in the living areas of your home. Small amounts of odorless dusts and baits are placed in cracks and crevices where bugs tend to hide. With AIM's long lasting materials, this zone will rarely need to be treated again. However, if a new infestation occurs after our initial treatment, we will respond within 24 hours.


The Bottom Line


We understand your needs. You don’t want insects in your home, and you want to minimize the use of chemicals in your environment. The AIM Pest Control Program is the solution! We place the appropriate materials in the right place, thus achieving the desired result. AIM virtually eliminates destructive, disease-carrying pests from your home. After your servicing, the technician provides you with a written report of their findings and what actions were taken to protect your home.


Chemicals and Your Environment


Common pest control techniques can compound your bug problem. For example, do-it-yourself sprays and baits can actually make an ant problem worse. Despite his/her best efforts, homeowners rarely eliminate the colony’s queen. The chemicals may re-route the trailing ants or even break up the existing colony so that new nests are formed. Good intentions just compounded this pest problem. In response to your phone call, the typical pest control company will apply chemicals throughout the interior and exterior of your home. Although well intended, a pesticide in the wrong place can contaminate your living environment and put your family and pets at risk. And these techniques rarely keep the bugs away for long. Then it is back to square one.


The Proactive Approach: Keeping the Pests Out


Wouldn’t it be better to keep the pests out of your home in the first place? Of course it would! Just as your security system protects your family from intruders, Aim Termite & Pest Control can protect your home from insects and rodents. We use many naturally occurring materials to discourage pests from entering your home. With your safety in mind, we then handle those that have already penetrated your environment. Our state-of-the art methods are the best way to eliminate pests from your life.


Call Us For An Inspection Today!